- 9513219079 / 7090669066

1. Periodic tests are found necessary to assess the performance of students. They also promote healthy competition among the students and make them aware of their shortcomings and failures in study habits.
2. The School conducts four Formative Assessments [FA] and two Summative Assessments [SA]. One must not be absent from any of these except for health reasons. Request for such absence must be supported by medical certificate. These tests cannot be deferred or anticipated to suit individual convenience. No re-examination will be conducted in any subject, unless prescribed by law.
3. Parents are welcome to consult the subject teachers to make out the defects and common mistakes committed by their children in answer scripts on the Parent-Teacher Interaction day. Further query and discussion is allowed only with the permission of Principal.
4. Promotion depends on the marks scored in each Formative and Summative Assessments and also on internal assessment based on attendance, project work, home work, class work, composition, general discipline, co-curricular activities etc.
5. Students who can not secure promotion due to inability to study the subjects in English medium may be asked to leave the school. The decision of the Principal will be final in this matter.
6. Students who have either copied from other candidates or given opportunity to other students to copy from them or communicated dishonestly with other students or found guilty of bringing answer sheets or substituting answer scripts will have their results for that particular subject in the examination stand cancelled.